The market for children’s books offers an exciting opportunity for publishers to have a sizeable pie of digital publishing. And the game changer has been the apps. Apps based on various popular bedtime stories give a whole new interactivity to story-telling, and kids always love interactive things. The fact that they can play Cindrella and experience the story in first person definitely sounds exciting. However, is application development the best way to go about digital publishing for children’s books? Let’s take a look.
The only major ebook reading device which offers the apps support is iPad, and perhaps even the iPhone. However, there are millions of apps out there, and even though yours maybe a book related app, it’s still an app at the end of the day. Thus, you can never be sure where users are actually using the book related applications or not. But it’s different with e-book publishing. When you release e-books for various dedicated platforms, you are sure that people use these platforms for reading ebooks, and thus you have a better chance.
That gives e-book publishing an edge over application development. And with colorful illustrations possible for the digital formats out there, it really makes up for the interactivity quotient to some extent. Trust us, illustrations for children’s books for digital publishing are not that hard if you choose BookGenie.
Coming back to the debate of applications and epublishing for children’s books, even if publishers find apps the better way, they should think about exploring a little. Right now, iOS may be the only viable option, but the Android market is growing, and HTML 5 could be the game changer. Publishers should think about exploring new platforms for their children’s books’ apps if they are to have an advantage. Of course, we are there to help you in case you need any.
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