Friday, February 18, 2011

What are NIMAS and DAISY conversions?

When these words come to your mind it is obvious to wonder what they are.
What is NIMAS Conversion?
NIMAS is the proposed format which will facilitate the provision of accessible, alternate format versions of print textbooks to PreK-12 students with disabilities.

What is DAISY Conversion?
DAISY which commonly known as Digital Accessible Information System provides the technical protocol for creating accessible digital versions of print works.
Guidelines for special education instructional material have been proposed by the National Instructional Material Accessibility Standards (NIMAS). Similarly DAISY consortium has proposed guidelines for conversion of source files into XML format that enables the publishers to develop audio books and digital talking books. Children with visual impairment and learning disabilities cannot cope with other children unless they qualify themselves through education reading a traditional print book is difficult and understanding is still more difficult for them.
These types of conversions have to follow NIMAS standards and then only they can be formatted in such a design with contents to follow the stipulations. Once they are converted into the standard format for teaching skills like learning through work book and learning mathematics are few of the toughest areas where NIMAS conversion is extensively used.
The National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) has the objective that instructional materials should be accessible for the children with impaired vision and learning disabilities. NIMAS guidelines used to convert in the input educational material into XML source files. Publishers submit the resulting NIMAS file sets to National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC). These source files are then accessed by the educational department authorities to convert them into Braille books, large print, and digital talking books.
BookGenie has extensively worked with K-12 book publishers, STM Publishers and Trade Publishers. Due to the high expectation of standards, publishers are required to provide  quality books to consumers, huge potential exists for them to produce digital and Braille content in a more cost effective and expeditious manner. Special conversion standards make the people with impaired vision to learn as quickly as normal children do. Readers are engaged in the special books and by listening they can answer the question and acquire knowledge quickly. Digital Accessible Information System, DAISY DTB is collection of a set of digital files that may contain digital audio recordings of human or synthetic speech, marked up text and a range of machine-readable files. Once they hear the Digital Talking Books (DTBs) of the workbooks, they can grasp it easily.
Through BookGenie’s in-house DTD development and API integration, these complex conversions are simplified for the publishers. Publishers may not have the skills and time to develop APIs and development of DTD and we have got experience in XML and SGML conversions. 
Independent of the operating systems, Windows, or Linux, these conversions has been modified by us in such a way so that these books can be read through conventional reading devices also. BookGenie is using the latest new format for DAISY conversion to give more advantages for the publishers. API integration is helpful for publishers as it is useful in serving end users to service providers. Our conversions result in flexibility with all the readers used in these special instructional materials.

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